About Us
Stream Restoration Incorporated (SRI) is a small 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to restoring streams that have been impacted by human activity. Formed in 1996, our primary focus has been addressing issues related to old abandoned mining by working to restore the land and treat acid mine drainage (AMD). The abandoned mine land problem can be mind boggling and overwhelming. No one entity can solve it alone. We believe the best approach to solving these complex environmental challenges is to bring together local grassroots community based organizations, landowners, private industry, governmental agencies, funding sources, and educational institutions to form a cooperative partnership effort that share their resources, knowledge, and talents. Over the last 20+ years we have successfully been awarded over a 100 grants from local, state, and federal government agencies and private foundations that have provided over $15 million dollars for watershed restoration, technical assistance and education/outreach projects.
What We Do
Stream Restoration Incorporated provides a variety of services